Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is there any truth in the "Globe" story about Obama having a gay lover?

Question by Obamatopia Idiocracy!: Is there any truth in the "Globe" story about Obama having a gay lover?
Would it be more historic if Obama was the first gay President and not the first black President? What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by Burn the Bible!
Well,if it's in the GLOBE .....

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


  1. mmhmm.. look back on some of the personal friendships of some of our Presidents, and you might find some interesting, yet questionable relations.

  2. His sex life means nothing to me, what he,s doing to our nation dose!

  3. YES! It's true.

    In related news cutting taxes helps with the economy

    Bush protected us from Al Qaeda


    America is seen as a great bringer of peace and love around the world

  4. He didn't get that round mouth by eating square meals!

  5. Somewhat predictable, actually.

  6. I think it would be" unprecedented " . ( and Michelle will be so disappointed in her little man )
