Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How can some conservatives complain about "big government" and praise domestic spying in the same breath?

Question by tangerine: How can some conservatives complain about "big government" and praise domestic spying in the same breath?
I just saw a question that included a link to a Newsweek article about Bush wanting to use spy satellites for domestic surveillance. Incredibly, I saw a few posts from some conservatives who had no problem with this! Amazingly, many conservatives who complain about "big government" also find ways to excuse or rationalize domestic spying and other infringements on our civil liberties. Am I the only one here who sees this as self-contradictory?

Best answer:

Answer by Dick Tater Is In Awesome World
Fascist tactics - using fear to make the people agree with you.

Give your answer to this question below!


  1. Conservatives traditionally support government spending on certain things, usually including national security. I applaud you asking this question, because you clearly don't know very much about the conservative standpoint. If you learn more, you will be able to make more balanced decisions on political matters.

  2. Bush and conservatives are more concerned with the countries safety and in this time period, that's a much higher priority for them. I think the more interesting question is 'why are democrats so upset with Bush's policies when they'd usually jump at the chance to control the American people further?'

  3. conservative_patriotNovember 17, 2010 at 8:53 AM

    By that logic, then conservatives who are against big government should also be against the police. Those "fascists" don't let me smoke pot and commit other crimes! How stupid are you? Surveillance is a matter of national security, or did those two buildings in NY just disappear on thier own? Also, no one wants to spy on you. Just terrorists. You a terrorist?

  4. wake the hell up!!! we are living in a world of Terrorism now and that changes the whole scenery of life in this world. Big government and domestic "spying' have nothing to do with one another. I have nothing to hide and I want my government keeping its eyes and ears open for those who do have something to makes common sense, I think!

  5. hypocrisy be thy name

  6. i think they say those two things quickly so it would fit in one breath.

  7. yes you SHOULD be the only one who sees this as self-contradictory. This is about national security. Do you think the military should be ran privately also!?
